American Mysticism – The Hidden History of Positive Thinking

‘Thoughts become things.’

You know about the Law of Attraction. You’ve heard of The Secret.

But few people know the story behind ‘The Law of Attraction’. Its original meaning was very different from how it’s used today. In fact, critical chapters of America’s spiritual history have been lost in the din of materialism and fundamentalism that rose to dominance.

Until now.

We discover the hidden history behind positive thinking. It includes surprising links with Occult Magic, it moves through the White House in multiple presidencies, and spreads from paranormal research to evangelical leadership. If you’re interested in spirituality, you’re interested in this story. Reagan, Mesmer, Clinton, Crowley, Swedenborg – astounding characters animate this untold tale of American mysticism.

Mitch Horowitz joins Stuart Davis to unveil the hidden history of Positive Thinking and the profound effect it’s had on modern America.

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